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One of my favorite books – that encourages this type of behavior – is called “Love is the Killer App” by Tim Sanders.  He encourages people to become Lovecats…hang on, it gets better.  Essentially, Lovecats grow their knowledge and their network and then share both selflessly with others.

I want you to be a Lovecat with your knowledge. Several people have done this for me – even with the Lovecat book! – and I love when I’ve received this gift. I in return have passed on the book or bought another one and shared it.

Run to your local bookstore or pull one off your shelf but DO become a Lovecat with knowledge.

Original Post: Buy a book that you benefited from. Write a note about how it impacted you. Give it to someone else who might benefit from it and encourage them to read it and pass it on.

What meaning did you create?